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Your citable, living document. Anywhere and forever.

Do you have a document that you want to:

  • Preserve for the very long term?
  • Always be able to update?
  • Be available on multiple websites?
  • Offer in both webpage and PDF formats?
  • Be citable?
  • Contain math?

If so, become an early adopter of Baseprint document successions. Help advance open-source technology for improved scholarly communication.

Sign up for the pilot program


A URL contains a Document Succession Identifier (DSI) that uniquely identifies your document for references. For example:

J. Doe (2000-01-23) "My Document"


Editions of your document are separately referenced by adding an edition number to the Document Succession Identifier (DSI). Adding /1 identifies a 1st edition:


When you publish a Baseprint document succession, you control the public succession of your document editions.


With compatible open-source software, any website and device can render a Baseprint document succession as PDF files and webpages that adapt to different screen widths. A DSI is calculated from a document succession stored anywhere, and is not needed to generate a DSI.


Data records of your Baseprint document succession are replicated across multiple repositories, such as GitHub and the Software Heritage Archive, for long-term preservation. These preserved data records, not, give you control of the succession to the latest edition of your Baseprint document.

Archive Federation

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This document is an example of a Baseprint document succession:

"Why Publish Document Successions" (dsi:wk1LzCaCSKkIvLAYObAvaoLNGPc)