How to Auto-Reload with Baseprinter
This guide shows how to automatically reload previews of Baseprint document snapshots in your web browser when new preview files are generated by Baseprinter.
If you auto-reload previews, you'll likely also want to auto-rerun Baseprinter upon saving your source files.
You will need either:
- a setup to run Baseprinter in containers (recommended)
- have Baseprinter installed and
- live-server installed.
This guide uses live-server, but there are many alternatives with similar functionality.
How it works
Run live-server
in a separate terminal window, apart from where you run
and your text editor.
watches your Baseprinter preview output directory.
Upon any changes to the Baseprint preview generated by Baseprinter,
your web browser will automatically reload the preview webpage.
Press CTRL-C
to stop live-server
Run live-server
Run live-server
with the path to your Baseprinter preview output directory.
For instance, if you run baseprinter --outdir=preview
, then run
live-server --no-css-inject preview
Using the --no-css-inject
option prevents certain issues with auto-reloading preview HTML files
generated by Baseprinter.
After running live-server
you can navigate to http://localhost:8080
to view
an HTML preview of the baseprint that reloads automatically.
Running in a container
If you are running Baseprinter in a container,
the Baseprinter container image includes live-server
It can be used by setting up a shell function:
live-server() {
podman run --rm -v=.:/mnt -w=/mnt -p=8080:8080 -it --init \ live-server "$@"
After defining the live-server
shell function, you can run
as if it were installed locally.
When running live-server
inside a container,
be aware that it will not have access to any paths outside the current working directory.